Boy Namesgender neutral

Jericho Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity

Meaning of the Name Jericho: – What Does Jericho Name Mean?

The name Jericho holds a rich and multifaceted meaning, with interpretations stemming from both Arabic and Hebrew origins.

Jericho can be translated to mean “city of the moon” in Arabic and “fragrant” in Hebrew.

Delving into the name’s meaning in detail:

  • Arabic Origins: The Arabic interpretation of Jericho stems from the word “أريحا” (ʾArīḥā). Here, “أري” (ʾArī) possesses a connection to sight or vision, potentially signifying a place that is visible from afar or a prominent landmark. “حا” (ḥā) acts as a definite article, similar to “the” in English.

  • Hebrew Origins: The Hebrew meaning of Jericho, “fragrant,” derives from the word “ריח” (reiakh), which translates to “sweet smell” or “fragrance.” This interpretation might be linked to the region’s historical cultivation of aromatic plants or the pleasant scents carried by desert winds.

  • Evolution of Meaning: Over time, the meaning of Jericho might have transcended its literal definitions. The city of Jericho’s historical significance and its enduring presence in religious texts could have imbued the name with a sense of strength, resilience, and a connection to the past.

  • Cultural and Religious Significance: Jericho holds immense significance in Judaism and Christianity. The city features prominently in the story of Joshua’s conquest of Canaan, signifying a place of triumph and a gateway to the Promised Land. This religious connection adds a layer of spiritual meaning to the name Jericho.

Is the Name Jericho in the Bible?

The name Jericho itself is not used as a personal name in the Bible. However, the city of Jericho plays a pivotal role in the biblical narrative, particularly in the Book of Joshua. The Israelites’ conquest of Jericho marks a significant event in their journey towards the Promised Land.

Biblical Names with Similar Meanings:

While Jericho isn’t used as a given name in the Bible, some names share similar meanings:

  • Hadassah (Hebrew): Meaning “myrtle” or “myrtle tree,” which is an aromatic plant.
  • Rebekah (Hebrew): Meaning “fragrant snare” or “knot,” potentially alluding to a pleasant or captivating quality.
  • Sharon (Hebrew): Meaning “a plain” or “Song of Solomon,” which might evoke a sense of beauty and fertility, similar to the concept of fragrance.

Origin/Ethnicity of the Name Jericho:

Jericho’s origin is a blend of Arabic and Hebrew influences. The name is most likely derived from the city of Jericho, an ancient settlement located in the Jordan Valley.

Historical Usage: The city of Jericho boasts a long and illustrious history, dating back to the Neolithic period. Throughout millennia, different cultures and languages have left their mark on the region, influencing the pronunciation and spelling of the name.

Famous Figures: While not commonly used as a given name historically, Jericho has seen a rise in popularity in recent decades. There are no widely known historical figures who bore the name Jericho.

Popularity of the Name Jericho

Ranking of the Name + Number of Births:

Jericho is a relatively uncommon name in many countries. Here’s a glimpse into its popularity in the United States:

Year Rank Number of Births (Boys)
2023 (as of April 2024) Not ranked in Top 1000 Not available*

*Data on specific births by name might not be readily available for the current year.

Popularity Over Time: Jericho’s usage as a given name is a recent phenomenon. While data on historical popularity might be limited, it appears to be a name on the rise, particularly in the United States and Canada.

Gender of the Name Jericho

Jericho is traditionally considered a masculine name. However, its unique sound and lack of a clear gendered definition make it a potential option for parents seeking a gender-neutral name.

Nicknames of the Name Jericho

  1. Jeri
  2. Rick
  3. Echo (utilizes the first two syllables)
  4. Cho (a playful abbreviation)
  5. J.D. (using initials)
  6. Jax (utilizes the last two syllables)
  7. Rye (a sound-alike option)
  8. Rio (a name with a similar sound and desert vibes)
  9. Kai (a short and strong name with a unique feel)
  10. Jericho “X” (replacing X with the child’s middle initial)

Sibling Names for Jericho with Meanings and Origin

Choosing sibling names that complement each other in sound and style can be a delightful task. Here are 30 suggestions for Jericho, divided into 15 names for brothers and 15 names for sisters, each with their meaning and origin:

For Brothers of Jericho:

  1. Ezra (Hebrew): Meaning “help” or “God helps.” A strong and biblical name that shares some historical context with Jericho.
  2. Atlas (Greek): Meaning “titan who holds the heavens.” A powerful name with a mythological connection, offering a contrasting yet balanced feel to Jericho.
  3. Asher (Hebrew): Meaning “happy” or “blessed.” A cheerful and optimistic name that pairs well with Jericho’s unique sound.
  4. Cassian (Latin): Meaning “hollow” or “helmeted.” A name with a touch of mystery and Roman history, creating a distinct yet cohesive pairing with Jericho.
  5. Castiel (Hebrew): Meaning “God is my strength.” A name with a strong spiritual connotation that complements Jericho’s biblical connection.
  6. Felix (Latin): Meaning “happy” or “lucky.” A joyous and optimistic name that shares a positive sentiment with Asher but offers a different sound.
  7. Jude (Hebrew): Meaning “praised” or “thankful.” A name steeped in biblical tradition, similar to Jericho, but with a shorter and simpler form.
  8. Kai (Hawaiian): Meaning “sea” or “keeper of the sea.” A nature-inspired name with a distinct sound that balances Jericho’s strength.
  9. Leo (Latin): Meaning “lion.” A powerful and regal name that creates a contrasting yet complementary energy to Jericho.
  10. Milo (German): Meaning “soldier” or “peaceful.” A name with a balance of strength and serenity, offering a contrasting yet harmonious feel with Jericho.
  11. Rowan (Gaelic): Meaning “little red haired one” or “red tree.” A nature-inspired name with a touch of Irish heritage, adding a unique element alongside Jericho.
  12. Silas (Greek): Meaning “of the forest” or “man of the woods.” Another nature-inspired name, this time with Greek origins, creating a diverse and interesting sibling set.
  13. Theo (Greek): Meaning “gift of God.” A beautiful name with a spiritual connotation that complements Jericho’s biblical connection while offering a shorter form.
  14. VALOR (Latin): Meaning “strength,” “courage,” or “bravery.” A powerful and virtue-based name that shares a similar strength theme with Jericho.
  15. Zayn (Arabic): Meaning “beautiful” or “graceful.” A name with a touch of elegance and Arabic heritage, offering a distinct yet balanced pairing with Jericho.

15 for Sisters of Jericho

  1. Aria (Hebrew): Meaning “lioness” or “melody.” A strong yet beautiful name that shares a connection to lions, similar to Leo (suggested for a brother) but with a feminine touch.
  2. Cora (Greek): Meaning “maiden” or “virgin.” A classic and elegant name with a touch of mystery, offering a contrasting yet sophisticated feel with Jericho.
  3. Eliana (Hebrew): Meaning “God is my God” or “Yahweh is my God.” A beautiful name with a strong spiritual connection that complements Jericho’s biblical background in a feminine form.
  4. Evangeline (Greek): Meaning “good news” or “bringer of good news.” A hopeful and optimistic name with a touch of elegance, offering a contrasting yet positive pairing with Jericho.
  5. Isla (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “island.” A beautiful and evocative name with a nature-inspired feel, creating a contrasting yet balanced sound with Jericho.
  6. Leila (Arabic): Meaning “night” or “dark beauty.” A mysterious and alluring name with Arabic heritage, offering a distinct yet captivating element alongside Jericho.
  7. Nova (Latin): Meaning “new” or “star.” A name that evokes a sense of innovation and brightness, creating a contrasting yet optimistic pairing with Jericho.
  8. Paloma (Spanish): Meaning “dove.” A peaceful and gentle name with a beautiful sound, offering a contrasting yet harmonious feel with Jericho.
  9. Rowan (Gaelic): Meaning “little red haired one” or “red tree.” While also suitable for boys, Rowan works for girls as well, creating a nature-inspired connection within the sibling set.
  10. Seraphina (Hebrew): Meaning “fiery ones” or “burning ones.” A strong and unique name

Traits of the Bearer of the Name Jericho

While there’s no scientific basis for attributing specific personality traits to names, Jericho evokes certain characteristics based on its sound and meaning. Here are some potential associations:

  • Strength and Resilience: The historical significance of the city of Jericho and its connection to conquest in the Bible imbue the name with a sense of strength and the ability to overcome challenges.
  • Uniqueness and Independence: Jericho’s uncommon nature suggests a potential for individuality and a desire to stand out from the crowd.
  • Mystery and Intrigue: The name’s multifaceted meaning and blend of Arabic and Hebrew influences create a sense of mystery and intrigue.
  • Connection to Nature: The interpretation of Jericho as “fragrant” evokes a connection to the natural world and its beauty.
  • Spirituality: Due to the city of Jericho’s presence in religious texts, the name might carry a subtle spiritual connotation for some.

It’s important to remember that these are just potential associations, and a person’s name ultimately doesn’t define their personality.

Number of Syllables of the Name Jericho

Jericho is a three-syllable name (Je-ri-cho). This makes it a name with a strong and balanced sound.

Best Middle Name For Jericho

Choosing a middle name for Jericho depends on the desired effect. Here are 30 options with meanings and origins to consider:

  1. Alexander (Greek): Meaning “defender of men.” A strong and classic name that complements Jericho’s power.
  2. Asher (Hebrew): Meaning “happy” or “blessed.” A cheerful name that adds a touch of optimism. (Considered earlier for a brother, but can work for a middle name as well)
  3. Blaze (English): Meaning “bright flame.” A fiery name that adds a touch of intensity.
  4. Caspian (Latin): Meaning “of the Caspian Sea.” A name with a touch of mystery and a geographical connection.
  5. Cole (English): Meaning “dark” or “black.” A cool and contrasting name to Jericho’s vibrancy.
  6. Eden (Hebrew): Meaning “place of delight.” A beautiful name that evokes a sense of paradise.
  7. Fox (English): Meaning “sly” or “cunning.” A unique and playful name that adds a touch of mischief.
  8. Grant (French): Meaning “great” or “large.” A powerful name that reinforces Jericho’s strength.
  9. Hawk (English): Meaning “a bird of prey.” A name that evokes a sense of focus and determination.
  10. Heath (English): Meaning “from the heath” (open moorland). A nature-inspired name that offers a contrasting yet grounded feel.
  11. Indigo (Greek): Meaning “deep blue” or “violet plant.” A unique and visually striking name.
  12. Knight (English): Meaning “noble warrior.” A strong and chivalrous name that complements Jericho’s potential for bravery.
  13. Lake (English): Meaning “body of water.” A calming and serene name that offers a contrasting element.
  14. Moon (English): Meaning “natural satellite of the Earth.” A celestial name that connects to one of the possible interpretations of Jericho’s meaning (“city of the moon”).
  15. Oak (English): Meaning “a strong and long-lived tree.” A nature-inspired name that symbolizes strength and stability.
  16. Phoenix (Greek): Meaning “a mythical bird that rises from the ashes.” A symbolic name that suggests rebirth and resilience.
  17. Rain (English): Meaning “water falling from the clouds.” A nature-inspired name with a calming and cleansing connotation.
  18. River (English): Meaning “a large stream of water flowing to a sea or lake.” A name that evokes a sense of movement and power.
  19. Sage (Latin): Meaning “wise” or “knowing.” A name that suggests intelligence and wisdom.
  20. Sky (English): Meaning “the expanse of the atmosphere above the Earth.” A vast and limitless name that offers a contrasting element.
  21. Stone (English): Meaning “a hard, naturally occurring solid substance.” A name that symbolizes strength and solidity.
  22. Storm (English): Meaning “a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and rain, thunder, and lightning.” A powerful name that evokes a sense of intensity.
  23. Theo (Greek): Meaning “gift of God.” A beautiful name with a spiritual connotation that complements Jericho’s potential biblical connection. (Considered earlier for a brother, but can work for a middle name

Related Names of the Name Jericho

The name Jericho has several related names, some with similar meanings and origins, while others share some sounds or letters. Here are 30 related names with their meanings and origins:

  1. Ari (Hebrew): Meaning “lion.” Shares a connection to lions, similar to Jericho’s possible meaning of “city of the moon” (referencing the moon god).
  2. Aric (Hebrew/Germanic): A variant of Ari, with similar meaning (“lion”) and a blend of Hebrew and Germanic origins.
  3. Arieh (Hebrew): Another variation of Ari, meaning “lion” in Hebrew.
  4. Ariel (Hebrew): Meaning “lion of God.” Combines the meaning of “lion” with the word “El” (God) in Hebrew.
  5. Elio (Greek/Hebrew): Meaning “Yahweh is my God.” A shorter version of names like Elijah and Eliezer, with a similar spiritual connotation to Jericho’s potential biblical connection.
  6. Elias (Greek): The Greek variant of Elijah, meaning “Yahweh is my God.”
  7. Elliott (English): Meaning “Yahweh is God.” An English surname derived from Elijah.
  8. Emery (Germanic): Meaning “ruler of work.” Shares some strong and powerful connotations with Jericho.
  9. Ezra (Hebrew): Meaning “help” or “God helps.” A strong and biblical name that shares some historical context with Jericho. (Considered earlier for a brother, but can work as a related name)
  10. Hiericho (Greek): The Greek spelling of Jericho, offering a slightly different pronunciation.
  11. Hiram (Phoenician): Meaning “exalted brother” or “lofty one.” Shares a sense of strength and potential nobility with Jericho.
  12. Iric (Irish): An Irish name of uncertain meaning, possibly related to “arrogant” or “noble.” Shares some similar sounds with Jericho.
  13. Iyari (Arabic): Meaning “May” (referring to the month). Shares some phonetic connections with Jericho, particularly the “ri” sound.
  14. Jarrid (Hebrew): Meaning “he shall descend” or “ruler.” Shares a sense of strength and leadership with Jericho.
  15. Jericho (Spanish): The Spanish spelling of Jericho, with a slight variation in pronunciation.
  16. Jericho “X” (where X is the child’s middle initial): A creative way to personalize the name Jericho by incorporating the middle initial. (Considered earlier for nicknames, but applicable here too)
  17. Jericho “RJ” (using initials): Another way to personalize Jericho using initials, offering a more casual feel.
  18. Jesse (Hebrew): Meaning “gift” or “Yahweh exists.” A biblical name with a strong meaning that shares a potential spiritual connection with Jericho.
  19. Joaquin (Spanish): Meaning “God has established.” A Spanish name with a strong spiritual connotation, similar to Jericho’s potential biblical connection.
  20. Joshua (Hebrew): Meaning “Yahweh is salvation.” A strong and important biblical name that shares some historical context with Jericho (city of Jericho’s conquest in the story of Joshua).
  21. Kassian (Latin): Meaning “hollow” or “helmeted.” Shares a strong and unique sound with Jericho. (Considered earlier for a brother, but can work as a related name)
  22. Micah (Hebrew): Meaning “Who is like God?” A strong and biblical name with a spiritual connotation, similar to Jericho’s potential connection.
  23. Rio (Spanish): Meaning “river.” Shares a similar sound and evokes a sense of nature, potentially complementing Jericho’s meaning of “fragrant.” (Considered earlier for nicknames, but applicable here too)
  24. Rowan (Gaelic): Meaning “little red haired one” or “red tree.” Shares a nature-inspired feel with Jericho. (Considered earlier for siblings, but applicable here too)
  25. Sachar (Hebrew): Meaning “black” or “merchant.” Shares some phonetic connections with Jericho, particularly the “ch” sound. 26. Theo (Greek): Meaning “gift of God.” A beautiful name with a spiritual connotation that complements Jericho’s potential biblical connection. (Considered earlier for siblings and middle names, but applicable here too)
  26. Uriah (Hebrew): Meaning “Yahweh is my light.” A strong and biblical name with a spiritual connotation, similar to Jericho’s potential connection.
  27. Valor (Latin): Meaning “strength,” “courage”

Name Variations of the Name Jericho

There aren’t many widely recognized variations of the name Jericho. However, here are a few possibilities to consider:

  • Hiericho (Greek): The Greek spelling of Jericho, with a slightly different pronunciation (“hee-ree-koh”).
  • Jericho (Spanish): The Spanish spelling of Jericho, with a slight variation in pronunciation (“hair-ee-koh”).
  • Jericho “X” (where X is the child’s middle initial): A creative way to personalize the name Jericho by incorporating the middle initial. (Considered earlier for nicknames and related names, but applicable here too)
  • Jericho “RJ” (using initials): Another way to personalize Jericho using initials, offering a more casual feel. (Considered earlier for related names, but applicable here too)

Where is the Name Jericho Popular?

Jericho, as a given name, is still relatively uncommon. However, it’s experiencing a gradual rise in popularity in some countries, particularly:

  • United States: While not yet ranked in the Top 1000, Jericho is seeing increased usage, particularly in recent years.
  • Canada: Similar to the US, Jericho is uncommon but gaining some traction in Canada.
  • Australia: Jericho appears to be a rare name in Australia.
  • United Kingdom: Jericho is uncommon in the UK as well.

It’s important to note that data on name popularity can vary depending on the source and might not be entirely comprehensive.

Names With Similar Sound As Jericho

If you love the sound of Jericho but are looking for a more common or slightly different name, here are 15 options with similar sounds and meanings:

  1. Aric (Hebrew/Germanic): Meaning “lion,” shares some strong consonant sounds with Jericho.
  2. Derrick (Germanic): Meaning “ruler of people,” shares a similar rhythmic structure (three syllables with emphasis on the first) and strong consonant sounds.
  3. Eric (Germanic): Meaning “ever-ruler,” shares some consonant sounds and a strong feel with Jericho.
  4. Henrik (German): Meaning “ruler of the home,” shares a similar number of syllables and some consonant sounds with Jericho.
  5. Jeremy (Hebrew): Meaning “Yahweh has established,” shares the “eri” sound with Jericho and offers a more common biblical name. (Considered earlier for nicknames, but applicable here too)
  6. Justice (English): Meaning “fairness and justness,” shares a similar number of syllables and strong consonant sounds with Jericho, offering a virtue-based name.
  7. Marcus (Latin): Meaning “warlike” or “dedicated to Mars,” shares some strong consonant sounds with Jericho and offers a classic Roman name.
  8. Marius (Latin): Meaning “of the sea” or “warlike,” shares some consonant sounds and a strong feel with Jericho.
  9. Maverick (English): Meaning “independent” or “unconventional,” a unique name with a similar number of syllables and strong consonant sounds to Jericho.
  10. Micah (Hebrew): Meaning “Who is like God?” Shares a strong and biblical connotation with Jericho and a similar number of syllables. (Considered earlier for related names, but applicable here too)
  11. Nero (Latin): Meaning “black” or “strong,” shares some consonant sounds with Jericho and offers a powerful Roman name. (Note: This name might have negative connotations due to the historical figure Nero)
  12. Theo (Greek): Meaning “gift of God,” a shorter and more common name that shares some consonant sounds with Jericho and a potential spiritual connection. (Considered earlier for siblings, middle names, and related names, but applicable here too)
  13. Valor (Latin): Meaning “strength,” “courage,” or “bravery,” shares a similar number of syllables and strong consonant sounds with Jericho, offering a virtue-based name. (Considered earlier for sibling names, but applicable here too)
  14. Victor (Latin): Meaning “conqueror,” shares a strong and victorious connotation with Jericho and a similar number of syllables.
  15. Zeke (Hebrew): Meaning “God strengthens,” a shorter and more common name that shares the “ri” sound with Jericho and a potential spiritual connection.

Name Jericho in 10 Languages

Here’s how Jericho is written and pronounced in 10 different languages:

  1. English: Jericho (pronounced je-ri-koh)
  2. Arabic: أريحا (ʾArīḥā, pronounced ah-REE-hah)
  3. Hebrew: יריחו (Yeriḥo, pronounced yeh-ree-HO)
  4. French: Jéricho (pronounced z
  5. Spanish: Jericó (pronounced hair-ee-KOH)
  6. German: Jericho (pronounced YEH-ri-kho)
  7. Italian: Gerico (pronounced JAY-ri-ko)
  8. Russian: Иерихон (Ierichon, pronounced yee-eh-REE-khon)
  9. Japanese: ジェリコ (Jeriko, pronounced jeh-RI-ko)
  10. Mandarin Chinese: 耶利哥 (Yēlìgē, pronounced yeh-lih-GEH)

Celebrities with the Name Jericho

There aren’t many widely known celebrities who currently hold the name Jericho. However, with the name’s increasing popularity, this might change in the future. Here are a few possibilities to consider:

  • Jericho Brown (American poet): While not a mainstream celebrity, Jericho Brown is a notable poet who has won awards for his work.
  • Athletes: There might be some lesser-known athletes or performers with the name Jericho, particularly in countries where the name is more common. Due to privacy concerns and the ever-changing nature of athletic careers, it’s difficult to provide a definitive list here.

Public Figures with the Name Jericho

Similar to celebrities, there aren’t many prominent public figures with the name Jericho. However, you might find some Jericho’s among:

  • Business Leaders: Jericho might be present among some business professionals, though they might not necessarily hold household-name recognition.
  • Artists and Creatives: The creative fields might have some individuals with the name Jericho, such as painters, musicians, or writers. Due to the vast number of artists and the challenge of tracking lesser-known figures, it’s difficult to provide specific examples here.

Sayings and Rhymes for Baby Jericho

Here are some cute sayings and rhymes you can use for baby Jericho:

  • Sweet Jericho, a fragrant breeze, a name that brings us joy and ease.
  • Little Jericho, with eyes so bright, our hearts with love you fill with light.
  • Jericho strong, Jericho bold, a story waiting to unfold.
  • Jeri, Jeri, full of glee, our happy little Jericho! (Using the nickname Jeri)

Fun Facts About Jericho

  • The city of Jericho holds the distinction of being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
  • Jericho’s natural springs and fertile land have made it a historically significant location.
  • Dates, considered a symbol of Jericho’s fertility, have been cultivated in the region for thousands of years.
  • The story of Jericho’s conquest in the Book of Joshua is a pivotal event in the biblical narrative.

Jericho in Music and Film

While there aren’t any major motion pictures or songs with the name Jericho as a central focus, there might be lesser-known films, songs, or video game characters with the name.

The name Jericho might also appear in creative works in a metaphorical sense, referencing the city of Jericho or its historical significance.

Numerology of the Name Jericho

Numerology is a belief system that assigns meanings to numbers derived from a person’s name. Here’s a glimpse into Jericho’s numerology according to three different systems:

  • Chaldean System: In Chaldean numerology, Jericho translates to the number 8. The number 8 is often associated with ambition, leadership, and organization.
  • Pythagorean System: Under Pythagorean numerology, Jericho corresponds to the number 3. The number 3 is frequently linked to creativity, self-expression, and communication.
  • Kabbalistic System: In Kabbalistic numerology, Jericho reduces to the number 1. The number 1 is often associated with independence, initiative, and new beginnings.

It’s important to remember that numerology is not an exact science and should not be the sole factor in naming a child.

Delving into the Name’s Sound of Jericho

The name Jericho has a distinct sound that can evoke various impressions. Here’s a breakdown of its phonetics and aesthetics:

  • Phonetics: Jericho is a three-syllable name with a strong emphasis on the first syllable (“Je”). The combination of hard consonants (“J,” “r,” “ch”) and the open vowel sounds (“e,” “i,” “o”) creates a name that feels both powerful and melodic.
  • Aesthetics: The name Jericho can be perceived as unique, strong, and mysterious. It has a historical and potentially spiritual connotation. The sound of the name can also be seen as bold and confident.

Q&A About the Name Jericho

Here are some common questions parents might have about the name Jericho:

  • Is Jericho a boy’s or girl’s name? Jericho is traditionally considered a masculine name. However, it can also be used as a gender-neutral name.
  • Is Jericho a common name? Jericho is still a relatively uncommon name, particularly in the United States. However, it’s experiencing a gradual rise in popularity.
  • What are some nicknames for Jericho? Some nicknames for Jericho include Jeri, Rick, Echo, Cho, J.D., Jax, Rye, Rio, Kai, etc. (Consider earlier list of nicknames)
  • Does Jericho have a religious meaning? While not used as a given name in the Bible, Jericho, the city, holds religious significance in Judaism and Christianity. The conquest of Jericho is a pivotal event in the biblical narrative.

Extra: Boys Names Start With Letter J:

Here’s a list of 30 boy names starting with J, along with their meaning, origin, and popularity (based on US Social Security Administration data for 2023):

  1. Jackson (Rank #2): Son of Jack (English) – Classic and popular name with a strong, masculine feel.
  2. Jacob (Rank #4): Supplanter (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong meaning and timeless appeal.
  3. Jayden (Rank #23): God has heard (Hebrew) – Modern name with a religious connotation and trendy vibe.
  4. Joseph (Rank #28): Yahweh (God) will increase (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong spiritual meaning and enduring popularity.
  5. John (Rank #31): God is gracious (Hebrew) – Classic and timeless name with a religious connotation.
  6. Julian (Rank #41): Youthful (Latin) – Sophisticated name with Roman roots and a touch of elegance.
  7. Joshua (Rank #44): Yahweh is salvation (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong meaning and association with leadership.
  8. Jaxon (Rank #54): Son of Jack (English) – Modern variation of Jackson with a unique and edgy feel.
  9. Jesse (Rank #68): Gift (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a simple meaning and positive connotation.
  10. Jeremiah (Rank #71): Appointed by God (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong spiritual meaning and a touch of vintage charm.
  11. Jason (Rank #82): Healer (Greek) – Popular name with a mythological association and a friendly sound.
  12. Justin (Rank #87): Just, fair (Latin) – Classic name with a timeless appeal and positive meaning.
  13. Jared (Rank #91): He shall descend (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong meaning and a touch of mystery.
  14. Jonah (Rank #102): Dove (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a sweet sound and a unique story.
  15. Jordan (Rank #114): Flowing down (Hebrew) – Nature-inspired name with a refreshing feel and a connection to the Jordan River.
  16. Jace (Rank #121): Healer (Greek) – Modern name with a cool sound and a positive meaning.
  17. James (Rank #123): Supplanter (Hebrew) – Classic and versatile name with a strong meaning and international appeal.
  18. Joel (Rank #130): Yahweh is the Lord (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a simple meaning and a cheerful sound.
  19. Jude (Rank #137): Praised (Hebrew) – Biblical name with a strong meaning and a shorter, modern feel.
  20. Jasper (Rank #142): Treasurer (Persian) – Unique and stylish name with a jewel-like association.
  21. Jett (Rank #148): Black (English) – Modern name with a short, cool sound and a touch of mystery.
  22. Jayce (Rank #151): Healer (Combination of Jason & Jace) – Modern name with a strong meaning and a trendy feel.
  23. Jeffrey (Rank #164): Pledge of peace (English) – Classic name with a strong meaning and a touch of formality.

Note: Popularity is based on Social Security Administration data for the United States in 2023. Rankings may vary depending on the source and can change over time.

Focus on Specific Styles:

  • Classic: John, Joseph, James, Justin
  • Biblical: Jacob, Joshua, Jeremiah, Joel, Jude
  • Modern: Jayden, Jaxon, Jace, Jayce, Jett
  • Unique: Jasper, Jemari, Jennings
  • Nature-inspired: Jordan
  • Meaningful: Justin (fair), Jared (he shall descend), Jonah (dove)

Consider Nicknames:

  • Jack (for Jackson, Jaxon)
  • Jeri (for Jericho)
  • Jay (for Jason, Jayden, Jayce)
  • Josh (for Joshua)
  • Jess (for Jesse)

Explore International Options:

  • Spanish: Joaquin (God has established)
  • French: Jean (John)
  • German: Johann (John)
  • Italian: Giacomo (James)

Think about Alliteration or Rhyming with a Sibling’s Name:

  • Alliteration: Joseph James, Julian Jones
  • Rhyming: John Stone, James Ames
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