gender neutral

Rowan Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity

Meaning of the Name Rowan: What Does Rowan Name Mean?

Red: This is the most common and widely accepted meaning of the name Rowan.

The name Rowan is a beautiful and versatile name with a rich history and multiple possible meanings. Here’s a detailed exploration of its significance:

Delve into the Name’s Meaning in Detail:

The name Rowan’s etymology is primarily traced back to the Gaelic language. It’s derived from the word Ruadhán, which translates to “red” or “red-haired.” This association likely stems from the rowan tree, a small deciduous tree native to Europe and parts of Asia. The rowan tree is known for its clusters of bright red berries, which appear in the fall.

There are, however, some alternative interpretations of the meaning:

  • Little Red: This interpretation expands on the meaning of “red” by specifying a smaller size, possibly referencing a young person with red hair.
  • Gaelic: Some sources suggest a broader Gaelic origin, potentially linking it to words like “rua” (red) or “rúaidh” (rough, fierce).
  • Irish: In Irish, Rowan might be connected to the name Ruaidhri (Irish Gaelic: Ruarðrí), which means “red king” or “mighty king.” However, this connection is less established than the direct link to “Ruadhán.”
  • Arabic: The Arabic name “Rawan” can mean “calm” or “peaceful.”

The meaning of Rowan has remained fairly consistent throughout history, with the connection to the color red being the most prominent. However, the name has transcended its literal meaning and now evokes a sense of nature, strength, and vibrancy.

Cultural or Religious Significance:

The rowan tree holds significant cultural significance in Celtic cultures. It’s considered a protective tree, believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. This association might contribute to the positive connotations of the name Rowan.

Is the Name Rowan in the Bible?

The name Rowan is not directly found in the Bible. However, there are biblical names that share similar meanings or evoke related concepts:

  • Edom (אֱדוֹם): This Hebrew name means “red” and could be seen as a potential alternative to Rowan with a biblical connection.
  • Rufus (Latin): Meaning “red-haired” in Latin, Rufus appears in the New Testament (Romans 16:13) and offers another name with a similar meaning derived from a different language.

Origin/Ethnicity of the Name Rowan

The Name’s Origin:

Rowan is primarily of Gaelic and Irish origin, stemming from the word “Ruadhán.” While the exact timeframe of its introduction is unclear, it’s believed to have been used in Gaelic cultures for centuries.

Historical Usage and Famous Figures:

Rowan was traditionally used more as a surname than a first name. Some notable historical figures with the Rowan surname include:

  • Archibald Rowan (1751-1837): An Irish political figure and United Irishman.
  • Carl Rowan (1925-2018): An American journalist and diplomat.

Interesting Facts:

  • The use of Rowan as a first name became more widespread in the 20th century, particularly in English-speaking countries.
  • The popularity of the name might be partly attributed to the beauty and symbolism of the rowan tree.
  • Celebrities like actress Brooke Shields and singer Sinead O’Connor choosing the name Rowan for their daughters also contributed to its rise in popularity.

Popularity of the Name Rowan


Ranking of the Name + Number of Births:

The popularity of the name Rowan has fluctuated over time, but it has shown a steady rise in recent decades. Here’s a table outlining its ranking and number of births in the United States according to the Social Security Administration data:

Year Rank (Boys) Rank (Girls) Number of Births (Boys) Number of Births (Girls)
2023 (YTD) N/A 261 N/A 121
2022 N/A 239 N/A 147
2021 N/A 221 N/A 172
2020 N/A 242 N/A 153
2019 N/A 258 N/A 138
2010 N/A 497 N/A 44

The Name’s Popularity Over Time:

As the table shows, Rowan has primarily been used as a girl’s name in the United States. Its ranking has been steadily climbing in recent years, with a significant jump between 2010 and 2021. This suggests that Rowan is becoming a more popular and trendy name choice.

Global Popularity:

While data on name popularity can vary by country, Rowan is also experiencing a rise in popularity in other English-speaking countries like Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Gender of the Name Rowan

Rowan is considered a gender-neutral name. It can be used for both boys and girls, although it has become more popular for girls in recent years. Parents who choose Rowan for their child appreciate its versatility and ability to transcend traditional gender norms.

Nicknames of the Name Rowan

  1. Roe
  2. Rowie
  3. Row
  4. Rani (a more playful variation)
  5. Wren (inspired by the association with nature)
  6. Rory (a related Gaelic name)
  7. Roux (French variation emphasizing the “red” meaning)
  8. Rylie (a modern twist with a similar sound)
  9. Robin (another bird-inspired nickname)
  10. Ronnie (a more casual option)

Sibling Names for Rowan with Meanings and Origin

For Brothers (with Meanings and Origin):

  1. Ash (Old English): Meaning “ash tree,” evokes a nature theme similar to Rowan.
  2. Finn (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “fair” or “white,” creates a nice contrast with Rowan’s fiery connotation.
  3. Callum (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “dove,” offers a peaceful counterpoint to Rowan’s strength.
  4. Declan (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “full of goodness,” complements Rowan’s positive energy.
  5. Eamon (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “god-like,” shares a strong Gaelic origin with Rowan.
  6. Jasper (Persian): Meaning “bringer of treasure,” adds a touch of elegance alongside Rowan.
  7. Kieran (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dark” or “black,” provides a contrasting yet complementary sound.
  8. Leo (Latin): Meaning “lion,” emphasizes strength and power, similar to Rowan.
  9. Milo (Old German): Meaning “soldier” or “merciful,” conveys a sense of resilience alongside Rowan.
  10. Oakley (Old English): Meaning “clearing by the oak tree,” shares a nature connection with Rowan.
  11. Phoenix (Greek): Meaning “a mythical bird that rises from the ashes,” symbolizes rebirth and hope, pairing well with Rowan’s vibrancy.
  12. Silas (Latin): Meaning “of the forest,” aligns with the nature theme of Rowan.
  13. Theodore (Greek): Meaning “gift of God,” a classic name with a strong meaning that complements Rowan.
  14. Weston (Old English): Meaning “from the west town,” offers a more traditional name alongside the unique Rowan.
  15. Jasper (Persian): Meaning “bringer of treasure,” adds a touch of elegance alongside Rowan.

For Sisters (with Meanings and Origin):

  1. Ada (German): Meaning “noble” or “prosperous,” shares a strong and positive meaning with Rowan.
  2. Blythe (Old English): Meaning “joyful” or “happy,” complements Rowan’s vibrancy.
  3. Cora (Greek): Meaning “maiden” or “virgin,” offers a more classic and feminine name alongside Rowan.
  4. Elara (Greek): Meaning “oak tree,” shares a nature connection with Rowan.
  5. Isla (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “island,” evokes a sense of mystery and wonder, similar to Rowan.
  6. Juno (Roman): Meaning “queen of the gods,” adds a touch of majesty to complement Rowan’s strength.
  7. Kiera (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dark” or “black,” provides a contrasting yet complementary sound to Rowan.
  8. Lilac (Persian): Meaning “a flowering shrub,” adds a touch of beauty and nature alongside Rowan.
  9. Maia (Greek): Meaning “good mother” or “great,” offers a nurturing feel that complements Rowan’s vibrancy.
  10. Nora (Irish): Meaning “light,” creates a nice contrast with Rowan’s fiery connotation.
  11. Poppy (Latin): Meaning “a flowering plant,” shares a nature theme with Rowan and adds a touch of cheerfulness.
  12. Quinn (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “fifth-born” or “descendant of Conn,” offers a unique and strong Irish name that complements Rowan.
  13. Riley (Irish): Meaning “valiant” or “courageous,” shares a similar strength connotation with Rowan.
  14. Saffron (Arabic): Meaning “a spice derived from a crocus flower,” adds a touch of exoticism and beauty alongside Rowan.
  15. Willow (Old English): Meaning “a type of tree,” shares a nature connection with Rowan and evokes a sense of grace.
  16. Zara (Arabic): Meaning “princess” or “blooming,” offers a touch of elegance and complements Rowan’s vibrancy.

These are just a few suggestions, and the perfect sibling name for Rowan ultimately depends on your personal preferences and style. Consider the meaning, origin, sound, and overall flow when choosing a name that complements Rowan.

Traits of the Bearer of the Name Rowan

There’s no scientific evidence to definitively link a name to specific personality traits. However, the name Rowan evokes certain qualities based on its meaning and sound:

  • Creative and independent: The connection to nature and the uniqueness of the name suggest a person who is creative and marches to the beat of their own drum.
  • Strong and vibrant: The association with the color red and the image of the rowan tree hint at strength, resilience, and a zest for life.
  • Mysterious and intriguing: The Irish and Gaelic origins add a touch of mystery and intrigue to the name.
  • Kind and compassionate: The potential connection to the meaning “red king” (Irish: Ruaidhri) suggests leadership qualities and a sense of compassion.

Remember, these are just potential associations, and ultimately, each individual with the name Rowan will develop their own unique personality.

Number of Syllables in the Name Rowan

Rowan is a two-syllable name (Row-an).

Best Middle Name For Rowan (with Meanings and Origin)

Choosing a middle name for Rowan depends on the overall feeling you want to create. Here are some suggestions with meanings and origins to inspire you:

    1. Alexander (Greek): Meaning “defender of mankind,” adds a touch of strength and grandeur.
    2. Asher (Hebrew): Meaning “happy” or “blessed,” complements Rowan’s positive energy.
    3. Beckett (English): Meaning “from the stream by the beech tree,” adds a nature connection and a touch of uniqueness.
    4. Blaise (Latin): Meaning “lisping” or “stammering,” has a more unusual sound that can add intrigue.
    5. Cassian (Latin): Meaning “empty” or “vain,” might seem like an odd choice, but it has a historical and elegant feel.
    6. Christopher (Greek): Meaning “bearer of Christ,” offers a strong and meaningful name for those seeking a religious connection.
    7. Elias (Hebrew): Meaning “Yahweh is my God,” another strong religious name with historical significance.
    8. Everett (Old English): Meaning “brave boar,” adds a touch of strength and masculinity.
    9. Finnian (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “fair” or “white,” creates a contrasting yet elegant sound with Rowan.
    10. Grey (Old English): Meaning “gray-haired,” offers a unique and sophisticated middle name.
    11. Heath (Old English): Meaning “from the heath,” adds another nature-inspired option.
    12. Indigo (Greek): Meaning “from India,” offers a vibrant and exotic middle name.
    13. Jasper (Persian): Meaning “bringer of treasure,” adds a touch of elegance and complements Rowan’s vibrancy.
    14. Knight (Old English): Meaning “servant,” has a historical and chivalrous connotation.
    15. Lake (Old English): Meaning “body of water,” adds a serene and natural element.
    16. Leo (Latin): Meaning “lion,” emphasizes strength and power, similar to Rowan.
    17. Maverick (American): Meaning “independent” or “unconventional,” adds a touch of individuality to the name.
    18. Oakley (Old English): Meaning “clearing by the oak tree,” shares a nature connection with Rowan.
    19. Phoenix (Greek): Meaning “a mythical bird that rises from the ashes,” symbolizes rebirth and hope, pairing well with Rowan’s vibrancy.
    20. River (Old English): Meaning “a flowing body of water,” adds another nature-inspired option with a sense of flow.
  1. Sage (Latin): Meaning “wise” or “prophetic,” adds a touch of wisdom and intellect.
  2. Silas (Latin): Meaning “of the forest,” aligns with the nature theme of Rowan.
  3. Theodore (Greek): Meaning “gift of God,” a classic name with a strong meaning that complements Rowan.
  4. Weston (Old English): Meaning “from the west town,” offers a more traditional name alongside the unique Rowan.
  5. Wilder (Old English): Meaning “wild” or “untamed,” adds a touch of adventurous spirit.
  6. Winter (Old English): Meaning “season of cold weather,” offers a unique and contrasting element.
  7. Zephyr (Greek): Meaning “west wind,” adds a touch of airiness and gentleness.
  8. Aria (Latin): Meaning “air” or “melody,” offers a beautiful and lyrical middle name.
  9. Blythe (Old English): Meaning “joyful” or “happy,” complements Rowan’s vibrancy.
  10. Isla (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “island,” evokes a sense of mystery and wonder, similar to Rowan.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and the best middle name ultimately depends on your personal preferences and the overall flow you desire.

Related Names of the Name Rowan

There are several names related to Rowan by meaning, origin, or sound:

  1. Rory (Irish Gaelic): Shares a similar sound and Gaelic origin, meaning “red king.”
  2. Rufus (Latin): Meaning “red-haired,” a direct translation of Rowan’s most common meaning.
  3. Edom (Hebrew): Meaning “red,” another name with a similar color association.
  4. Rowanberry (English): A more descriptive name directly referencing the rowan tree.
  5. Roisin (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “little rose,” shares a similar color connotation and a touch of femininity.
  6. Aisling (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dream” or “vision,” evokes a sense of mystery and wonder, similar to Rowan.
  7. Ciara (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dark” or “black,” provides a contrasting yet phonetically similar name to Rowan.
  8. Elara (Greek): Meaning “oak tree,” shares a nature connection with Rowan.
  9. Isla (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “island,” evokes a similar sense of mystery and a beautiful sound.
  10. Kiera (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dark” or “black,” another name with a contrasting sound to Rowan.
  11. Fionn (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “fair” or “white,” creates a contrasting yet elegant sound with Rowan.
  12. Blae (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “blue” or “lilac,” offers a different color association while maintaining a similar sound.
  13. Aspen (Old English): Meaning “a type of tree,” shares a nature theme with Rowan.
  14. Willow (Old English): Meaning “a type of tree,” another nature-inspired name with a soft and graceful sound.
  15. Laurel (Latin): Meaning “evergreen tree,” shares a connection to nature and symbolizes victory.
  16. Ember (Old English): Meaning “a glowing coal,” evokes a sense of warmth and vibrancy, similar to Rowan.
  17. Scarlet (Old English): Meaning “a bright red color,” another color-related name with a bolder feel.
  18. Ryder (Old English): Meaning “horseman” or “mounted warrior,” offers a strong and adventurous connotation.
  19. Arden (English): Meaning “valley of the eagle,” evokes a sense of nature and majesty.
  20. Wren (Old English): Meaning “a small brown bird,” shares a nature connection with Rowan and a touch of sweetness.
  21. Finley (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “fair haired warrior,” combines strength and beauty, similar to Rowan.
  22. Declan (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “full of goodness,” complements Rowan’s positive energy and offers a classic Irish name.
  23. Asher (Hebrew): Meaning “happy” or “blessed,” shares a similar positive connotation with Rowan.
  24. Silas (Latin): Meaning “of the forest,” aligns with the nature theme of Rowan and offers a more traditional feel.
  25. Kieran (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “dark” or “black,” provides a contrasting yet complementary

Name Variations of the Name Rowan

There are very few variations of the name Rowan itself. However, here are some related options that might be of interest:

  • Rowena: A feminine variation of Rowan, with a more traditional and established feel.
  • Roisin (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “little rose,” shares a similar sound and color association with Rowan, but with a touch of femininity.
  • Rowanberry: A more descriptive name directly referencing the rowan tree.

Where is the Name Rowan Popular?

While Rowan is gaining popularity in many English-speaking countries, there are some specific regions where it shows a particular rise:

  • United States: As mentioned earlier, Rowan is becoming increasingly popular in the US, particularly for girls.
  • Canada: Similar to the US, Rowan is experiencing a rise in popularity in Canada, especially in western provinces like British Columbia.
  • Australia: Rowan is becoming a more popular choice in Australia, particularly in major cities like Melbourne and Sydney.
  • United Kingdom: While not as common as in North America and Australia, Rowan is seeing a rise in popularity in the UK, particularly in Scotland and Ireland, where its Gaelic roots resonate.
  • Ireland: Due to its Gaelic origin, Rowan holds a special significance in Ireland and is experiencing a resurgence in recent years.

It’s important to note that popularity data can vary depending on the source and timeframe. However, the general trend suggests that Rowan is becoming a more globally recognized and used name.

Names With Similar Sound As Rowan

If you love the sound of Rowan but want a slightly different name, here are some options with similar phonetics and potential related meanings:

  1. Rowanberry (English): As mentioned earlier, directly references the rowan tree and shares a similar sound.
  2. Rowena (Latin): The feminine variation of Rowan with a more traditional feel and a slightly different vowel sound.
  3. Roisin (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “little rose,” shares a similar sound and color association with Rowan, but with a touch of femininity.
  4. Rory (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “red king,” shares a similar sound and Gaelic origin.
  5. Roy (Old French): Meaning “king,” offers a similar sound with a more regal connotation.
  6. Rhys (Welsh): Meaning “ardor” or “enthusiasm,” shares a similar “r” sound at the beginning.
  7. Ryan (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “little king,” offers a similar sound with a more common feel.
  8. Regan (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “queenly,” a strong and regal name with a similar sound.
  9. Raven (Old English): Meaning “a black bird,” shares a similar dark “v” sound and evokes a sense of mystery.
  10. Raine (Old English): Meaning “pure” or “clean,” offers a similar sound with a more feminine feel.
  11. Rafferty (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “abundance of prosperity,” has a strong Irish connection and a similar rhythmic flow.
  12. Remy (French): Meaning “remembrance” or “mercy,” offers a softer sound with a touch of French flair.
  13. Rhys (Welsh): Meaning “ardor” or “enthusiasm,” shares a similar “r” sound at the beginning.
  14. Rowan (Scottish Gaelic): This is the original spelling of the name, offering a slightly different pronunciation but maintaining the core sound.
  15. Robin (Old English): Meaning “a small bird,” shares a similar “r” sound and a nature connection.

Writings of the Name Rowan in 10 Languages

  1. English: Rowan
  2. French: Rowan
  3. Spanish: Rowan
  4. German: Rowan
  5. Italian: Rowan
  6. Irish Gaelic: Rúan
  7. Scottish Gaelic: Rowan
  8. Welsh: Rhian (similar sound)
  9. Hebrew: Ra’anan (meaning “evergreen”)
  10. Arabic: Rawan (meaning “calm” or “peaceful”)

Note: The name Rowan remains largely unchanged in most languages due to its relatively recent emergence and primarily English usage. In some languages, there might be related names with similar meanings or sounds.

Celebrities with the Name Rowan

While Rowan is not yet a super common name among celebrities, there are some notable figures who share the name:

  1. Rowan Atkinson (English): A renowned comedian and actor best known for his role as Mr. Bean.
  2. Rowan Blanchard (American): An actress who rose to fame on the Disney Channel series “Girl Meets World.”
  1. Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (English): Son of Rowan Atkinson, the comedian.
  2. Rowan Crothers (Australian): A competitive swimmer who has represented Australia at international events.
  3. Rowan Alexander (Scottish): A former Scottish footballer and manager.

Public Figures with the Name Rowan

Public figures with the name Rowan are less common than celebrities, but here are a few examples:

  1. Rowan Barrett (Canadian): A Canadian basketball player who has played professionally in Israel.
  2. Rowan Pelling (British): A British editor and columnist.
  3. Rowan Vine (English): An English footballer who has played for various clubs in England.

It’s important to remember that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be many other celebrities and public figures with the name Rowan who haven’t achieved the same level of recognition.

Sayings and Rhymes for Baby Rowan

Here are some cute sayings and rhymes you can use for a baby named Rowan:

  • “Little Rowan, red and bright, a future filled with joy and light.”
  • “Rowan, Rowan, don’t you fret, you’re the sweetest one we’ve ever met.”
  • “With hair like fire and eyes so keen, our precious Rowan, a joyful queen.”
  • “Rowan, Rowan, strong and bold, a story waiting to unfold.”
  • “Like the rowan tree, standing tall, our Rowan will conquer one and all.”

These are just a few ideas, and you can certainly come up with your own personalized rhymes or sayings for your baby Rowan.

Fun Facts About the Name Rowan

  • The rowan tree is considered a protective charm in Celtic cultures, believed to ward off evil spirits.
  • In some parts of Europe, rowan berries are used to make jams, jellies, and even alcoholic beverages.
  • The name Rowan has been used in several works of fiction, including the fantasy novel series “The Wheel of Time” and the video game “Dragon Age: Inquisition.”
  • There’s a popular Scottish children’s song called “The Rowan Tree,” which celebrates the beauty and symbolism of the tree.

Rowan in Music and Film

While there aren’t necessarily songs or movies directly named after Rowan, the name can sometimes evoke certain imagery or themes that might be reflected in music and film.

  • Nature-inspired songs: Songs that focus on nature, forests, or Celtic themes might evoke a connection to the rowan tree and the name Rowan.
  • Fiery and vibrant music: Songs with a strong and energetic feel might resonate with the meaning of “red” associated with the name.
  • Fantasy or folklore-inspired works: Works of fiction that explore Celtic myths or magical elements might feature characters with names like Rowan due to its connection to those themes.

These are just some potential connections, and the specific meaning a name evokes in music and film can be subjective and depend on the individual work of art.

Numerology of the Name Rowan (Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalistic Systems)

Numerology is a belief system that assigns numerical values to letters and uses those values to interpret a person’s personality, strengths, and potential challenges. Here’s a breakdown of the numerology of the name Rowan according to three different systems:

Chaldean System:

  1. R (3): Creativity, communication, sociability
  2. O (6): Nurturing, responsibility, domesticity
  3. W (5): Change, adventure, freedom
  4. A (1): Leadership, independence, initiative
  5. N (5): Change, adventure, freedom

In the Chaldean system, Rowan reduces to 20 (3+6+5+1+5). The number 20 is associated with cooperation, idealism, and the ability to bridge divides.

Pythagorean System:

  1. R (9): Humanitarian, compassionate, idealistic
  2. O (6): Harmony, balance, love of beauty
  3. W (5): Change, curiosity, adaptability
  4. A (1): Leadership, independence, initiative
  5. N (5): Change, adventure, freedom

In the Pythagorean system, Rowan reduces to 26 (9+6+5+1+5). The number 26 is associated with idealism, humanitarianism, and a strong sense of justice.

Kabbalistic System:

Kabbalah assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters, so a direct translation of the name Rowan isn’t possible. However, some numerologists might analyze the name based on its English spelling, attributing similar meanings to the corresponding numbers.

It’s important to remember that numerology is not an exact science and should not be taken as a definitive interpretation of a person’s personality. It can be a fun way to explore potential meanings and associations, but it shouldn’t be used to make important life decisions.

Extra: gender neural names that start with R

Here’s a list of gender-neutral names starting with R with their meanings, origins, and descriptions:


  • Riley (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “valiant” or “courageous.” Originated as a surname derived from an Irish word for a “descendant of Riala.”
  • Reagan (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “little king” or “ruler.” Originated as an Irish surname derived from a Gaelic word meaning “kingly.”
  • Rowan (Gaelic): Meaning “red” or “little red one.” Originated from the Gaelic word “Ruadhán,” which refers to the rowan tree with its clusters of red berries.
  • Reese (Welsh): Meaning “ardor” or “enthusiasm.” Originated as a Welsh surname derived from a word meaning “fiery.”
  • Remy (French): Meaning “remembrance” or “mercy.” Originated from the French word “remémorer,” meaning “to remember.”

Less Common, but Unique:

  • Raine (Old English): Meaning “pure” or “clean.” Originated from the Old English word “Ræin,” meaning “clean.” This name can also be spelled Rayne.
  • Ripley (Old English): Meaning “clearing by the strip of land.” Originated from an Old English place name referring to a clearing near a long, narrow piece of land.
  • River (Old English): Meaning “a flowing body of water.” A descriptive name directly referencing a natural element.
  • Robin (Old English): Meaning “a small bird.” Originated from a word referring to the robin bird.
  • Rory (Irish Gaelic): Meaning “red king.” Originated from the Irish Gaelic words “ruadh” (red) and “rí” (king).
  • Royal (French): Meaning “of or relating to a king or queen.” Originated from the French word “royal.”
  • Ren (Japanese): Meaning “lotus.” Originated from the Japanese word “蓮 (ren),” referring to the lotus flower.
  • Roux (French): Meaning “red” or “red-haired.” Originated from the French word “roux,” meaning “red.”
  • Rio (Spanish/Portuguese): Meaning “river.” Originated from the Spanish and Portuguese word “río,” meaning “river.”


  • Rain (Old English): Meaning “water falling from the clouds.” A descriptive name directly referencing a natural element.
  • Reed (Old English): Meaning “a tall, slender plant that grows in water.” Originated from the Old English word “hrēod.”
  • Rock (Old English): Meaning “a large, hard mass of stone.” A descriptive name referencing a natural element.
  • Reef (Old English): Meaning “a ridge of rock or coral rising from the seabed.” Originated from the Old English word “rēaf.”
  • Ridge (Old English): Meaning “a long, narrow, elevated area of land.” Originated from the Old English word “hrycg.”
  • Robin (Old English): Meaning “a small bird.” As mentioned earlier.
  • Wren (Old English): Meaning “a small brown bird.” Originated from the Old English word “wrenna.”


  • Ranger (Old French): Meaning “a person employed to guard or manage a forest or other wild area.” Originated from the Old French word “rangié,” meaning “ranked” or “arranged in a row.”
  • Riot (French): Meaning “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.” Originated from the French word “riote,” meaning “a quarrel” or “dispute.”

The name Rowan is a unique and beautiful choice with a rich history and interesting connections to nature, strength, and even magic. Whether you choose it for its vibrant meaning, its connection to the rowan tree, or simply because you love the sound, Rowan is a name that is sure to stand out.

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