Girl Names

Carla Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity

Meaning of the Name Carla: – What Does Carla Name Mean?

Carla: Meaning “free man” or “strong woman.”

The name Carla carries a strong and independent spirit, reflecting its meaning rooted in Germanic origins. Here’s a detailed exploration of its significance:

Delving into the name’s meaning in detail:

Carla’s etymology can be traced back to the Germanic world, with two potential interpretations:

  • Germanic Origin: The most likely origin of Carla stems from the Old High German word “karl,” meaning “man” or “free man.” Over time, this evolved into the Old Norse and Old English word “karl,” retaining similar connotations of masculinity and strength. In this context, Carla becomes the feminine form of these words, signifying a strong and independent woman.

  • Indirect Latin Origin: An alternative theory suggests Carla might be a Latin derivation of the Germanic name Charles, which itself has roots in “karl.” Charles also carries the meaning of “free man,” and Carla, as the feminine form, would inherit this meaning.

Evolution of the Meaning:

While the exact origin path might differ slightly, both interpretations point to a core meaning of strength and independence. Carla, whether signifying a “free man” or linked to the name Charles, evokes a sense of self-reliance and determination. There’s no evidence to suggest the meaning has significantly changed over time.

Cultural Significance:

The Germanic meaning of “free man” resonates with the values of individuality and strength often associated with Germanic cultures. While Carla itself might not hold specific religious significance, the concept of a free and strong woman transcends cultural boundaries, making Carla a name that can be appreciated across various backgrounds.

Is the Name Carla in the Bible?

The name Carla is not found within the Bible.

Biblical Names with Similar Meanings:

While Carla isn’t present in the Bible, here are some biblical names that share similar meanings of strength, independence, or virtue:

  • Deborah (Hebrew): Meaning “bee” or “valiant,” symbolizing a strong and courageous woman.
  • Ruth (Hebrew): Meaning “friend” or “compassionate,” signifying strength through kindness and loyalty.
  • Esther (Hebrew): Meaning “star” or “hidden,” representing inner strength and resilience.
  • Lydia (Greek): Meaning “from Lydia” (a region), but also interpreted as “of the people,” suggesting strength found in community.
  • Sarah (Hebrew): Meaning “princess” or “noblewoman,” signifying strength and dignity.

These names offer alternatives for those seeking a biblical name with a meaning that aligns with Carla’s spirit.

Origin/Ethnicity of the Name Carla

Carla’s origin is rooted in Germanic cultures, though the exact path is debatable:

  • Germanic Origin: This is the most widely accepted theory. Carla likely emerged as the feminine form of the Old High German word “karl,” meaning “man” or “free man.” Over time, this word evolved into similar terms across Old Norse and Old English, all carrying connotations of masculinity and strength. Carla, therefore, signifies a strong and independent woman.

  • Indirect Latin Origin: A less common theory suggests Carla might be a Latin derivation of the Germanic name Charles, which itself has roots in “karl.” Names often traveled and transformed across cultures, with Latin acting as a bridge between Germanic and Romance languages. Charles, like its Germanic counterparts, carries the meaning of “free man,” and Carla, as the feminine form, would inherit this meaning.

Historical Usage and Famous Figures:

While not the most common name throughout history, Carla has seen usage across various European countries with Germanic roots. However, pinpointing specific historical figures named Carla is challenging. This might be due to the name’s rise in popularity in more recent times.

Interesting Facts about the Name Carla:

  • Carla can also be a surname, though it’s more prevalent as a given name.
  • The name’s sound has a certain strength and elegance to it.
  • In some cultures, Carla might be seen as a shortened version of Carlotta or Carolina.

Popularity of the Name Carla

Ranking and Number of Births:

According to the Social Security Administration’s data in the United States, Carla’s popularity peaked in the 1960s, reaching a rank of #76 in 1965. Since then, its usage has declined steadily. As of 2022, it ranked #923.

Here’s a table for a clearer picture:

Year Rank Number of Births
1960 173 3,877
1965 76 7,388
1970 184 3,220
1975 342 1,338
1980 622 534
1985 821 272
1990 984 162
2000 Not Ranked Less than 5
2010 Not Ranked Less than 5
2022 923 78

The Name’s Popularity Over Time:

As the table shows, Carla’s popularity has followed a distinct pattern:

  • Rise in the Mid-20th Century: Carla’s usage increased significantly in the mid-20th century, likely due to its strong and positive meaning, coupled with its short and sweet sound.
  • Decline in Recent Decades: Since the 1970s, Carla’s popularity has steadily declined. This could be due to several factors, such as the rise of other unique names or a shift towards more traditional names.

Regional Variations:

Carla might be more common in countries with Germanic or Romance language roots, such as Germany, France, Italy, or Spain. However, specific data on regional popularity can be difficult to find.

Gender of the Name Carla

Carla is traditionally considered a feminine name. There’s no widespread usage of Carla for boys.

Nicknames for Carla

Here are some nicknames for Carla:

  1. Carly: A playful and energetic nickname that retains the essence of the name.
  2. Cali: A trendy and modern nickname derived from the first syllable of Carla.
  3. Carrie: A classic and versatile nickname with a vintage feel.
  4. LaLa: A cute and informal nickname derived from the last two syllables of Carla.
  5. Coco: A unique and unexpected nickname with a touch of Parisian flair.
  6. Cici: A sweet and charming nickname derived from the first two syllables of Carla.
  7. Lee: A short and spunky nickname derived from the last letter of Carla.
  8. Lola: A vintage-inspired nickname with a touch of elegance.
  9. Rla: A creative nickname derived from the last three letters of Carla.
  10. Char: A nickname that subtly references the potential link to the name Charles.

Sibling Names for Carla with Meanings and Origin

For Brothers:

  1. Erik (Old Norse): Meaning “eternal ruler.” A strong and powerful name that complements Carla’s independent spirit.
  2. Theo (Greek): Meaning “gift of God.” A spiritual name with a classic feel, balancing Carla’s strength with a touch of serenity.
  3. Arlo (English): Meaning “eagle’s hill.” A nature-inspired name with a sense of strength and majesty, creating a nice contrast to Carla’s more direct meaning.
  4. Rowan (Gaelic): Meaning “little red-haired one.” A unique and vibrant name that offers a playful contrast to Carla’s strength.
  5. Caspian (Latin): Meaning “of the Caspian Sea.” A nature-inspired name with a touch of mystery, balancing Carla’s straightforwardness.
  6. Felix (Latin): Meaning “lucky” or “happy.” A cheerful name that complements Carla’s strong spirit with a touch of optimism.
  7. Milo (German): Meaning “soldier” or “merciful.” A strong and grounded name that balances Carla’s strength with a sense of compassion.
  8. Jasper (Persian): Meaning “bringer of treasure.” A unique and positive name that complements Carla’s determined spirit.
  9. Silas (Latin): Meaning “man of the forest.” A nature-inspired name with a touch of mystery, offering a contrasting element to Carla’s directness.
  10. Ezra (Hebrew): Meaning “helper.” A strong and dependable name that complements Carla’s independence with a sense of cooperation.

For Sisters:

  1. Elise (Hebrew): Meaning “God is my oath” or “devoted to God.” A beautiful name with a spiritual connotation, balancing Carla’s strength with a touch of serenity.
  2. Nora (Latin): Meaning “light.” A bright and hopeful name that complements Carla’s strength with a sense of optimism.
  3. Maya (Sanskrit): Meaning “illusion” or “great one.” A unique and intriguing name that offers a contrasting element to Carla’s directness.
  4. Evelyn (English): Meaning “hazelnut” or “desired.” A classic and elegant name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of grace.
  5. Amara (Greek): Meaning “immortal” or “everlasting.” A strong and beautiful name that shares a sense of power with Carla, while offering a slightly different nuance.
  6. Stella (Latin): Meaning “star.” A bright and shining name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of radiance.
  7. Leila (Arabic): Meaning “night” or “born at night.” A mysterious and beautiful name that offers a contrasting element to Carla’s directness.
  8. Fiona (Gaelic): Meaning “white” or “fair.” A pure and elegant name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of gentleness.
  9. Iris (Greek): Meaning “rainbow.” A vibrant and hopeful name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of optimism.
  10. Valentina (Latin): Meaning “strong” or “healthy.” Another name that shares the core meaning of strength with Carla, but with a slightly different cultural origin.

These are just a few suggestions, and the perfect sibling name ultimately depends on your personal preferences and desired aesthetic. Consider choosing names that share similar sounds, origins, or even meanings to create a harmonious feel within the sibling set.

Traits of the Bearer of the Name Carla

There’s no scientific evidence to definitively link names to personality traits. However, the meaning and sound of a name can create certain associations. In the case of Carla:

  • Strong and Independent: The core meaning of “free man” or “strong woman” suggests that someone named Carla might possess a sense of independence and determination.
  • Confident and Self-Assured: The strong sound of the name “Carla” might be perceived as conveying confidence and self-assurance.
  • Friendly and Approachable: While the meaning suggests strength, Carla is still a relatively short and friendly-sounding name, which could indicate approachability.

It’s important to remember that these are just general associations, and every individual is unique.

Number of Syllables in the Name Carla

Carla is a two-syllable name (Car-la).

Best Middle Name For Carla

Choosing a middle name is a chance to add another layer of meaning or create a pleasing sound combination. Here are 30 suggestions for middle names for Carla, each with their meaning and origin:

  1. Anne (Hebrew): Meaning “grace” or “favor.” A beautiful and classic name that adds a touch of elegance to Carla.

  2. Elise (Hebrew): Meaning “God is my oath” or “devoted to God.” A spiritual name with a touch of serenity, balancing Carla’s strength. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  3. Marie (Latin): Meaning “star of the sea.” A calming and hopeful name that creates a beautiful flow with Carla.

  4. Rose (Latin): Meaning “flower” or “love.” A romantic and symbolic name that adds a touch of softness to Carla’s strength.

  5. Jane (Hebrew): Meaning “God is gracious.” A classic and versatile name that complements Carla without overpowering it.

  6. Claire (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A cheerful and optimistic name that adds a positive energy to Carla.

  7. Sophie (Greek): Meaning “wisdom” or “intelligence.” A sophisticated name that highlights Carla’s potential for intellectual pursuits.

  8. Katherine (Greek): Meaning “pure” or “everlasting.” A beautiful and timeless name that adds a touch of elegance to Carla.

  9. Elizabeth (Hebrew): Meaning “God is my oath” or “devoted to God.” A strong and spiritual name that complements Carla’s independence with a touch of faith.

  10. Violet (Latin): Meaning “modesty” or “faithfulness.” A unique and symbolic name that adds a touch of mystery to Carla.

  11. Paige (Greek): Meaning “young servant” or “playful.” A youthful and energetic name that creates a contrasting element to Carla’s directness.

  12. Ivy (English): Meaning “loyalty” or “clinging vine.” A symbolic name that suggests loyalty and devotion, balancing Carla’s independence.

  13. Hazel (English): Meaning “hazelnut tree.” A nature-inspired name with a touch of warmth, offering a contrasting element to Carla’s strength.

  14. Nora (Latin): Meaning “light.” A bright and hopeful name that complements Carla’s strength with a sense of optimism. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  15. Amara (Greek): Meaning “immortal” or “everlasting.” A strong and beautiful name that shares a sense of power with Carla, while offering a slightly different nuance. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  16. Stella (Latin): Meaning “star.” A bright and shining name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of radiance. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  17. Luna (Latin): Meaning “moon.” A calming and mysterious name that creates a beautiful flow with Carla.

  18. Ava (Latin): Meaning “like a bird” or “voice.” A light and airy name that adds a touch of gentleness to Carla’s strength.

  19. Eleanor (Greek): Meaning “sun ray” or “light.” A bright and hopeful name that adds a touch of radiance to Carla.

  20. Genevieve (Latin): Meaning “of fair race” or “white wave.” A beautiful and elegant name with a touch of Celtic flair.

Remember, the best middle name is one that you find aesthetically pleasing and meaningful in combination with Carla.

Related Names of Carla

Here are 30 names related to Carla, each with their meaning and origin:

  1. Charles (Germanic): Meaning “free man.” The masculine counterpart to Carla, sharing the core meaning of strength and independence.
  2. Carlo (Italian): The Italian variation of Charles, retaining the meaning of “free man.”
  3. Carolina (Germanic): Meaning “free man” or “song of Charles.” A name related to Charles and Carla, offering a feminine form with a touch of musicality.
  4. Carlotta (Germanic): The Italian variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.”
  5. Caroline (Germanic): The French and English variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.”
  6. Coraline (Latin): Possibly derived from Charles or Carolus, retaining a connection to the meaning of “free man.”
  7. Camilla (Latin): Meaning “attendant” or “perfect.” While not directly related to Carla, Camilla shares a strong and confident sound.
  8. Clara (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A name that shares a similar number of syllables and a clear, strong sound with Carla.
  1. Coral (Latin): Meaning “sea coral” or “precious stone.” A unique and vibrant name with a touch of strength, like Carla.

  2. Claire (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A cheerful and optimistic name that shares a similar sound and positive connotation with Carla. (Previously mentioned in Middle Names)

  3. Carol (Germanic): A shortened version of Caroline or Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.”

  4. Carina (Latin): Meaning “little keel” or “constellation Carina.” A celestial-inspired name with a touch of strength and mystery.

  5. Carmen (Latin): Meaning “song” or “poem.” A beautiful and lyrical name that shares a similar number of syllables with Carla.

  6. Cassie (Greek): Meaning “shining bright” or “champion.” A bright and strong name that shares similar qualities with Carla.

  7. Casey (Irish): Meaning “vigilant” or “watchful.” A strong and alert name that shares a sense of determination with Carla.

  8. Clara (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A classic and elegant name that shares a similar sound and positive connotation with Carla. (Previously mentioned)

  9. Claudia (Latin): Meaning “lame” or “club-footed.” While the meaning might seem negative, Claudia has evolved into a strong and sophisticated name.

  10. Diana (Latin): Meaning “divine” or “heavenly.” A strong and regal name with a touch of mystery.

  11. Erica (Germanic): Meaning “ever-ruler” or “sole ruler.” A strong and powerful name that shares a sense of independence with Carla.

  12. Fiona (Gaelic): Meaning “white” or “fair.” A beautiful and elegant name that offers a contrasting element to Carla’s directness. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  13. Flora (Latin): Meaning “flower.” A beautiful and feminine name with a touch of softness, balancing Carla’s strength.

  14. Grace (Latin): Meaning “grace” or “elegance.” A beautiful and timeless name that adds a touch of elegance to Carla.

  15. Isla (Scottish Gaelic): Meaning “island.” A unique and evocative name with a touch of mystery.

  16. Julia (Latin): Meaning “youthful” or “vigorous.” A vibrant and energetic name that shares a sense of strength with Carla.

  17. Leah (Hebrew): Meaning “weary” or “worn.” Despite the meaning, Leah has become a strong and independent name.

  18. Lydia (Greek): Meaning “from Lydia” (a region) or “of the people.” A name suggesting strength found in community, like Carla’s independent spirit. (Previously mentioned in Biblical Names)

  19. Maya (Sanskrit): Meaning “illusion” or “great one.” A unique and intriguing name that offers a contrasting element to Carla’s directness. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

  20. Nora (Latin): Meaning “light.” A bright and hopeful name that complements Carla’s strength with a sense of optimism. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names and Middle Names)

  21. Stella (Latin): Meaning “star.” A bright and shining name that complements Carla’s strength with a touch of radiance. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names and Middle Names)

  22. Valentina (Latin): Meaning “strong” or “healthy.” Another name that shares the core meaning of strength with Carla, but with a slightly different cultural origin. (Previously mentioned in Sisters’ Names)

This list provides a variety of names related to Carla, offering options with similar meanings, sounds, or origins.

Name Variations of Carla

  • Carla is a relatively consistent name across cultures, with a few minor variations:
    • Carlota (Italian): The Italian variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.” (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
    • Carlotta (Italian): The Italian variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.” (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
    • Caroline (French, English): The French and English variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.” (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
    • Carolina (Spanish): A common variation of Carla in Spanish-speaking countries, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles.” (Previously mentioned in Related Names)

Where is the Name Carla Popular?

While Carla isn’t among the most popular names globally, it has pockets of popularity in certain regions:

  • Countries with Germanic or Romance Language Roots: Due to its Germanic origin and potential Latin connection, Carla might be more common in countries with these linguistic backgrounds. This includes nations like:

    • Germany
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Portugal
  • Limited Data on Regional Popularity: Unfortunately, specific data on Carla’s popularity within these countries can be challenging to find. National naming authorities might not provide rankings beyond the top 100 or 200 names, and cultural variations can influence usage within a single country.

United States Popularity:

As mentioned earlier, Carla’s popularity peaked in the mid-20th century within the United States and has since declined. However, it can still be found occasionally, particularly among certain demographics.

Other Considerations:

  • Hispanic Heritage: In the United States, Carla might see slightly more usage among families with Hispanic heritage, potentially reflecting the name’s presence in Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Vintage Revival: There’s a growing trend towards using vintage names. While Carla might not be at the forefront of this movement, it could experience a minor resurgence as parents seek unique but familiar names.


Carla isn’t a globally popular name, but it has a presence in certain regions, particularly those with Germanic or Romance language roots. Its usage might also be influenced by factors like Hispanic heritage or the vintage name revival trend.

Names With Similar Sound As Carla

Here are 15 names with a similar sound to Carla, along with their meanings and origins:

  1. Cara (Irish/Gaelic): Meaning “friend” or “beloved.” Shares a similar sound and a positive connotation with Carla.
  2. Clara (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A classic and elegant name with a similar sound and positive connotation to Carla. (Previously mentioned in Related Names and Middle Names)
  3. Coral (Latin): Meaning “sea coral” or “precious stone.” Shares a similar sound structure and a touch of strength with Carla. (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
  4. Coraline (Latin): Possibly derived from Charles or Carolus, retaining a connection to Carla’s sound and potentially its meaning. (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
  5. Corinne (Greek): Meaning “maiden” or “daughter of Erin.” Shares a similar sound structure with Carla and a touch of elegance.
  6. Karla (Germanic): A spelling variation of Carla, retaining the same meaning and sound.
  7. Carlotta (Italian): The Italian variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles” and offering a similar sound to Carla. (Previously mentioned in Related Names and Name Variations)
  8. Carolina (Germanic): Meaning “free man” or “song of Charles.” Shares a similar sound structure with Carla and retains a potential connection to its meaning. (Previously mentioned in Related Names and Name Variations)
  9. Caroline (French, English): The French and English variation of Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles” and offering a similar sound to Carla. (Previously mentioned in Related Names and Name Variations)
  10. Carol (Germanic): A shortened version of Caroline or Carolina, retaining the meaning of “free man” or “song of Charles” and offering a similar sound to Carla. (Previously mentioned in Related Names)
  11. Cassie (Greek): Meaning “shining bright” or “champion.” Shares a similar sound structure with Carla and a touch of strength.
  12. Casey (Irish): Meaning “vigilant” or “watchful.” Shares a similar sound structure with Carla and a sense of determination.
  13. Carly (English): A playful and energetic nickname for Carla, sharing a similar sound but with a slightly more casual feel. (Previously mentioned in Nicknames)
  14. Charla (English): A less common variation of Carla, retaining the same meaning and offering a slightly different sound.
  15. Charlene (Germanic): Meaning “free man” or “little Charles.” Shares a similar sound structure with Carla and retains a potential connection to its meaning.

This list provides a variety of names that share a similar sound aesthetic with Carla, offering options that might resonate with those who appreciate the name’s pronunciation.

Transliteration of Name Carla in 10 Languages

Here’s the transliteration of Carla into 10 languages using common romanization methods:

  1. Spanish: Carla (identical)
  2. French: Carla (identical)
  3. Italian: Carla (identical)
  4. German: Carla (identical)
  5. Russian: Karla (Карла)
  6. Japanese (Katakana): Karura (カ ル ラ)
  7. Korean (Hangul): Kealleo (카를라)
  8. Arabic: Karlh (كارلا) – Note that Arabic doesn’t have a direct equivalent for the “cl” sound in Carla.
  9. Hindi (Devanagari): Karalā (करला)

It’s important to remember that transliteration can be imprecise, and variations might exist depending on the chosen system. These examples provide a general idea of how Carla might be written in these languages.

Celebrities with the Name Carla (at least 10)

  • Carla Bruni – Former supermodel and First Lady of France
  • Carla Gugino – American actress
  • Carla Hall – American chef
  • Carla Jimenez – American television and film actress
  • Carla Moreau – French reality TV personality
  • Carla Peterson – Argentine actress
  • Carla Suarez Navarro – Spanish professional tennis player
  • Carla Thaddeus – Australian actress
  • Carla Thomas – American singer
  • Carla Vieira de Souza – Brazilian long-distance runner

Public Figures with the Name Carla (at least 10)

  • Carla Abellana – Filipina actress and commercial model
  • Carla Angola – Venezuelan journalist and television presenter
  • Carla Hayden – Librarian of Congress and the 14th person to hold the office
  • Carla Howell – President of the Center For Small Government
  • Carla Humphrey – New Zealand politician
  • Carla Larraín – Chilean former model and television presenter
  • Carla Lockhart – Guyanese politician
  • Carla Mann – American attorney and politician
  • Carla Sands – American businesswoman and diplomat
  • Carla Zambelli – Brazilian politician

Carla in Music and Film

  • Carla Bruni has had a successful music career, releasing several albums.
  • Carla Gugino has starred in numerous films and television shows, including “Sin City” and “Entourage.”
  • Carla Jimenez has appeared in various films and television shows, including “Taxi” and “Wizards of Waverly Place.”
  • Carla Thomas was a popular soul singer in the 1960s.

Fun Facts About the Name Carla

  • Carla’s origin can be traced back to Germanic roots, meaning “free man” or “strong woman.”
  • The name’s popularity peaked in the mid-20th century in the United States but has declined since then.
  • There might be variations in spelling like Karla or Carlotta.

Delving into the Sound of Carla

  • Phonetics: Carla is a two-syllable name with a mix of hard and soft sounds. “Car” starts with a hard “c” sound, followed by the softer “ar” vowel. “La” ends the name with a soft “l” and the open “a” vowel.
  • Aesthetics: The name has a certain elegance and strength due to the mix of sounds. It’s short and memorable, with a touch of femininity.

Cultural and Social Factors Influencing Carla’s Popularity

  • Carla’s rise in popularity in the mid-20th century might be linked to its positive meaning and short, sweet sound.
  • The decline could be due to several factors, such as the rise of other unique names or a shift towards more traditional names.

Q&A About the Name Carla

  1. Is Carla a popular name? – Carla’s popularity has declined in recent decades, but it can still be found occasionally.
  2. What is the meaning of Carla? – Carla means “free man” or “strong woman” in Germanic origins.
  3. What are some nicknames for Carla? – Carly, Cali, Carrie, Coco, Cici, Lee, Lola, Rla, Char are some nickname options.
  4. Is Carla a boy or girl’s name? – Carla is traditionally considered a feminine name.
  5. What are some celebrities with the name Carla? – Carla Bruni, Carla Gugino, Carla Hall are some famous Carlas.
  6. Is Carla a biblical name? – No, Carla is not found in the Bible.
  7. What are some variations of the name Carla? – Karla, Carlotta, Carolina are some variations.
  8. In which countries is Carla popular? – Carla might be more common in countries with Germanic or Romance language roots like Germany, France, Italy, or Spain.
  9. When did the name Carla become popular? – Carla’s popularity peaked in the mid-20th century in the United States.
  10. Will the name Carla become popular again? – It’s difficult to predict, but the vintage name revival trend might see a slight resurgence for Carla.

Extra: Girls Names Starting with Letter C

  1. Chloe (Greek): Meaning “blooming” or “green shoot.” A beautiful name with a long history, dating back to ancient Greece.

  2. Claire (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A classic and elegant name that has never gone out of style.

  3. Cora (Greek): Meaning “maiden” or “daughter.” A short and sweet name with a vintage feel.

  4. Camila (Latin): Meaning “perfect” or “attendant.” A strong and sophisticated name with a touch of mystery.

  5. Celeste (Latin): Meaning “heavenly” or “celestial.” A beautiful and ethereal name that evokes images of the stars and the night sky.

  6. Clementine (Latin): Meaning “mild” or “merciful.” A long and elegant name with a vintage feel.

  7. Cecilia (Latin): Meaning “blind” or “music.” A beautiful and unique name with a rich history.

  8. Carolyn (Germanic): Meaning “free man” or “song of Charles.” A classic and elegant name that has never gone out of style.

  9. Charlotte (Germanic): Meaning “free man” or “little Charles.” A classic and elegant name that has been popular for centuries.

  10. Clara (Latin): Meaning “bright” or “clear.” A classic and elegant name that has never gone out of style.

  11. Calliope (Greek): Meaning “beautiful voice.” This name evokes the muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology.

  12. Cora (Latin): Meaning “heart” or “maiden.” While previously mentioned, Cora is experiencing a surge in popularity and offers a short, sweet option.

  13. Celine (French): Meaning “heavenly” or “celestial.” A beautiful choice with a French flair, sharing a similar meaning to Celeste.

  14. Carina (Latin): Meaning “little keel” or “constellation Carina.” This celestial-inspired name offers a unique and mysterious touch.

  15. Casey (Irish): Meaning “vigilant” or “watchful.” A strong and determined name perfect for a girl with a go-getter spirit.

  16. Cadence (Latin): Meaning “rhythmic flow of sound” or “the fall of a footstep.” This name has a beautiful musicality and evokes a sense of grace.

  17. Cosette (French): Meaning “petty thing” or “little thing.” This name, from the novel “Les Misérables,” offers a vintage French charm.

Summarizing Carla

Carla is a beautiful name with a strong and independent meaning. While its popularity has lessened, it remains a unique and memorable choice. The name offers a pleasant blend of sounds, creating an elegant and sophisticated feel. Whether for its historical connections or its timeless sound, Carla carries a message of strength and confidence.

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